Leaflet Design

Leaflet Design

  • Start with a hungry headline

Your headline is always the most important words you write when advertising.

That’s because whilst 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, only 2 out of 10 people will read the rest. And that means if your headline fails to bite, the rest of your message is lost. Headlines that leave readers hungry for more will:

  • Hone in on your biggest benefit.
  • Focuses on something that really matters to your target audience.
  • Builds desire to discover more.
So don’t just settle for the first idea that pops into your mind. Your headline deserves more attention that that. Instead brainstorm ideas and take the time needed to ensure you opt for the right opening. It will make the difference between a success and a flop.
  • Piggyback on a topical event

Topical events can provide a great hook for your leaflet advertising. For example the summer Olympics offered a great opportunity (within tight restictions) to be creative with your advertising message. However when using this tactic you need to be careful you don’t get carried away.

Instead ensure:

  • Any link to a topical event supports, not buries your message.
  • The link isn’t so vague it leaves your target audience confused about the offer.
  • It’s still clear what your leaflet is about (for example serviced offices, not a sports event).

In short don’t lose yourself in your attempt to piggyback off a current event. Instead only use it if you’re clear the connection will resonate with your target audience and attract more attention than you could have achieved without it.

  • Ask your audience to do something

Your call to action is copywriting jargon for what you want readers to do next? 

Every piece of persuasive writing MUST have a call to action. Skip it and you’ll leave your audience hanging and miss out on sales. “But it’s obvious” I hear you cry.  And here you’ll be right. But it’s obvious to you because you know your business inside out and upside down. However it’s not obvious to a reader who may have simply glanced at your leaflet and half-heartedly scanned your offer. So remember this rule. If you want people to respond, you’ve got to ask them… And when you do you need to be clear, specific and straightforward

Here are some examples:

  1. Ring 91-9582026462 today and speak to Georgina to book your free copywriting consultation.
  2. To download your free copy of Inspire Your Way To A Successful Micro Business click here.
  3. If you liked this blog post, please retweet.
And one final thing. Stick to just one call to action. If you give people too many options they are more likely to do nothing.
Showcase your credibility

If you offer professional services and you have accreditation from a professional body, it’s worth including in your leaflet.

Similarly, if you offer beauty treatments, massage therapy or coaching make it clear you hold the appropriate qualifications.

In fact, whatever your business, if you have third party validation that builds credibility for what you offer, showcase it. Do this and it will help address readers objections and start building that all important trust. Testimonials can also work well for achieving this.

  • Answer these two pressing questions

Potential customers are cynical and tough. And they want to know two things. And to have any chance of persuading them you need to answer these two pressing questions:

  1. What’s In It For Me (WIIFM?)
  2. Why should I pick you over everyone else?

In truth that’s all customers want to know. And if you can’t answer these questions you’re going to struggle to attract attention and capture the interest. The answer will often be found in your Unique Selling Point. And whilst tempting, don’t make the mistake of making your advert all about price.

You see, if price is the only thing you can compete on beware, someone can (and will) always undercut you. Instead focus on the aspect of your business that only you provide, then craft a message that attracts customers based on that.